In 2018, the European Year of Cultural Heritage, we want to promote and offer answers to the changes taking place within our society. Through the project `CODING EUROPE´, we will strive to enrich education through the integration of themes such as European Cultural Heritage, Robotics, and Virtual Reality or Programming. Our goal is not only to prepare our students for the future job market but also to put a stop to the high dropout rates. 

Furthermore, we are looking to implement new educational methodologies which will reshape the educational experience for students, teachers, and the school community as a whole. Our line of work will follow the proposals provided by the European Council (UNESCO) and carried out through strategies such as `Europe 2030´ – currently in development – or the `2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development´.

With this in mind, we aspire to reach the following AIMS:
1. To develop educational methodologies that are open, motivating, and related to the 21st century.
2. To make advances in the Digital Agenda, teaching students to be competent and responsible for their own learning, with a solid grasp on how to use resources and interactive tools that are now considered the foundation blocks of future jobs.
3. To reshape our schools so that they relate to the whole educational community around us. We want them to transform into platforms for EU values.
4. To achieve the same level of cultural heritage within the EU through the use of new technology, incorporation of innovative proposals produced by the students themselves, and the production of high-quality educational content which is available to the whole community.
5. And as global aim, we are yearning to improve our schools in terms of teaching quality, so that they reach the highest efficiency and an equally rich educational value.

Aware of the quality requirement goals set by the project, we have implemented a complete process of PARTNER SELECTION, including the institutions involved: Spain, Germany, Slovenia, and Italy. With each partner, we took into account their strategic profile in order to form a human team possessing great experience in the relevant areas of the project.

With regards to the RECIPIENTS of the project, the same design has been followed to reach students, families, teachers, schools, and the educational community as a whole. We aim to reach more than 10,000 people directly and fulfil their NEEDS, such as:
- To enhance the motivation of our students.
- To fight against the lack of “European-ness” which is currently present within our school environment, as well as against social exclusion.
- To foster teaching innovation by incorporating the school into present and upcoming advances within society.
- To make progress in the digital and communicative competence of our students, teaching them to be individuals that are respectful; educated in social diversity; responsible for their own learning; and ready for the challenges that the Digital Age will throw at them in the future.

With this in mind, the main ACTIVITIES which will be implemented are:
1. The elaboration and production of audiovisual educational content that will be recorded in a 360-degree format, compatible with Virtual Reality Goggles (VR) and ready to be played on any computer, and relative to the European Cultural Heritage.
2. Training programmes and monographs that will revolve, among others, around European Cultural Heritage, Robotics, Audiovisual Creation 3.0, Art, and Web Safety and Risks or Programming.
3. The creation of Digital Culture through reflective processes which will unite new technology with traditional resources.
4. The implementation of a Global Teaching Programme, new and cutting-edge, with the aim to transform our schools and positively affect not only teachers but also the school community as a whole.
5. The mobility and admission of student and teacher ambassadors who will promote integration, methodological renovation, and the EU.

It should be highlighted that, when it comes to the METHODOLOGY APPROACH of the project, the above will also apply to its quality control, holistic analysis, careful thought about each step, as well as the analytical process based on horizontal hierarchy and democracy as stewards of efficiency and effectiveness.

Finally, the IMPACT we aspire to achieve is:
1. The implementation of education which is innovative and creative on part of the teachers’ experience, and doing so through new and eclectic methodologies that will contribute to the battle against the school dropout rates.
2. A stronger sense of belonging to the European Union by fostering its values, usefulness, fortitude, and social inclusion.
3. The development of core competences, such as those of learner autonomy.

To summarise, we aspire to contribute to the renovation of education. We are looking to reshape and enhance our schools, transforming them into advocates of EU values and of educational excellence.

Coding Europe - Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050691

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